Resources for Parent Volunteers – Finding Groups, Causes, and Time

Parent volunteers play a vital role in supporting a wide variety of causes, charities, and programs. Some focus on school-related opportunities like chaperoning field trips or tutoring after hours, while others look around the local community or even the world for causes to support. Getting involved takes some time, research, and careful introspection to find what works for you.

How to Find Other Parents to Volunteer With

It is simple to find an organization or charity group that needs volunteers for a wide variety of tasks and efforts. However, if you want to find multiple people to do things together, it takes a bit more than a simple online search. There are communities on websites and social media platforms that connect people for these purposes. MeetUp groups also exist that focus on giving back to the community or working toward a shared goal. Another great option is to ask at a community center, school, local library, or parent group in the area. If you cannot find one, consider creating one yourself.

What Is the Right Cause for You?

What do you care about? What are your passions? Do any causes affect you or your family personally? These are great places to start when determining where to become a parent volunteer. Do some research about different organizations or groups in your community already working toward a common goal. Look at mission statements, programs they offer, events or help requests, and other information. Contact them and ask questions. Some of the popular volunteering categories include:

  • Environmental issues, sustainability, and green initiatives

  • Animal protection and welfare

  • Education, literacy, and school help

  • Homelessness and hunger

  • Arts and cultural programs or historical preservation

  • Sports, recreation, or social activity accessibility

  • Health and medical-related causes

Ways a Parent Volunteer Can Get Involved

After you figure out what type of cause you want to support, you need to find the right opportunity to do so. There are four main things you can give when it comes to volunteering or supporting causes: money, time, skills, and labor. Some people are better suited to one or another. Do not think you cannot get involved with a meaningful plan just because you are not physically strong or do not have advanced degrees.

Finding Time in Your Busy Schedule for Volunteering

Most people live very busy lives these days and do not have a lot of free time for volunteering activities. You do not need much to make a difference. In fact, some necessary tasks can be done on the computer from the comfort of your own home. Never assume you cannot help out just because your time is in short supply.

The best way to find time is to make it. How much do you value the cause you decide to volunteer for? Is it more important than watching TV at night or more meaningful than another Saturday relaxing by the pool? Work volunteering or community service into your existing schedule and make it a habit. Whether it is once per week, month, or just several times a year, your efforts can make a difference for others.