Membership Types

The National Parent Volunteer Association plays a vital role in supporting and empowering parents to actively engage in their children's education and the broader community. Membership is a commitment to fostering a collaborative environment for parents, teachers, community members, and students. There are two types of membership available:

Individual Membership

Individual memberships are the cornerstone of the NPVA. These memberships are designed to cater to parents who are passionate about contributing to their children's educational journey and the greater community.

The benefits of Individual Membership include:

  • Member-only website resources and online toolkit

  • Access to the member-only directory

  • Discounts on NPVA seminars and conferences

  • Networking opportunities at the local, state, and national level

  • Monthly member newsletter

  • Leadership development opportunities to serve on an NPVA committee, board or Special Interest Group (SIG)

Annual fee: $95

Organizational Membership

The benefits of the Organizational Membership include all of the benefits of Individual Membership PLUS:

  • Ability to promote support of NPVA with use of “Proud Member” logo

  • Acknowledgment in materials and events

  • The opportunity to advertise jobs through the NPVA Job Board

Annual fee: $325

These memberships are tailored for educational institutions, parent-teacher associations, and other organizations that wish to align themselves with the goals and initiatives of the national organization.