VolunteerMatch - How This Parent Volunteer Site Works

As a parent volunteer looking for new ways to make a difference in the community or world, a resource like VolunteerMatch.org provides amazing benefits. This is a top online platform for volunteering opportunities. Once you understand how to use the features and powerful search engine, you can find ongoing or on-time projects for the whole family to get involved.

VolunteerMatch includes 143,500 nonprofit organizations that offer volunteering possibilities to parents all across the country. During their active time online, they have connected nearly 18 million people with groups that need help. You can find your own passion project for a wide variety of parent community service or cause support groups.

What Kind of Parent Volunteer Options Exist?

Approximately 30 different categories of volunteering options and nonprofit organizations exist on this volunteer matching platform. They represent local, state, national, and even international groups dedicated to improving things for the world, people, animals, and more. Both religious and secular activities are represented.

What do you want to dedicate your time, energy, and skills to? Choose from options as wide ranging as volunteering at a soup kitchen to teaching teens IT and coding skills, grant writing for anti-bullying projects to cleaning up after natural disasters. In the end, it all depends on what drives your passions and purpose and how you want to help make the world a better place.

How to Use VolunteerMatch to Find Opportunities

The website offers two powerful ways to search: location or cause category. You can find them both on the front page.

1 – Location – Simply enter your town or city and state name into the search field and click on “Find Opportunities.”

2 – Cause Category – Scroll down slightly and click on one of the gray circle icons representing different options. Some include human rights, animals, education, seniors, environment, and more.

If you want online volunteering options only, there is a convenient blue link at the top right corner of the screen near the menu. The menu itself leads to a robust advanced search page where you can input multiple options and criteria.

Once you have found the right organization for you, click on their name, check out the additional information, and then select the “I Want to Help” button. You can also contact them directly if you prefer. Many list their specific websites, email address, or phone numbers for potential volunteers to contact them.

Top Benefits of VolunteerMatch.org

The absolute top advantage of the VolunteerMatch website is its huge collection of parent volunteer opportunities and nonprofit organizations. It is simply the biggest one online today. Although it might not list small, one-time community service events or extremely local causes, there is truly something for every individual and family to get involved with.

Ease of use is another big draw to this website. The multiple search options let you find something that speaks to you quickly. There are even virtual opportunities for those who prefer to help from the comfort of their own home. This can help busy parent volunteers work generosity of time and skills into their busy schedules.