Taproot Plus – Opportunities for Pro Bono Professional Skills Help

Business specialists, consultants, and people with specific career or professional skills can find opportunities to help charity groups or struggling small businesses succeed. Taproot Plus connects these people with important groups who need their type of assistance. This not only helps nonprofits thrive but can also accentuate the parent volunteer’s resume and work experiences.

What Is Taproot Plus?

Unlike other volunteering platforms that list opportunities with organizations or charities, Taproot Plus works as a matching service between nonprofits, small businesses, and people with unique skills. It focuses more on pro bono consulting than the type of parent community service projects you may find with charity work.

The website offers more assistance for nonprofits and businesses looking for volunteer help. You can also find helpful resources such as webinars, in-depth articles, and presentations about industries, marketing, business operations, and more.

What Types of Parent Volunteer Options Exist at Taproot?

The options include things like business consulting, organizational challenge solving, brainstorming sessions, troubleshooting methods, and more. Everything is geared toward improving business or nonprofit organizations’ operations.

This help comes in the form of projects and sessions. Each one of those is basically a phone call or virtual meeting that lasts an hour or more. The total volunteer commitment spans approximately 30 hours in total, although each individual project has unique needs and requirements.

How to Get Involved with a Nonprofit Opportunity?

Start on the Browse Opportunities page. It has a simple search engine you can fill in with organization type, business sector, or the type of pro bono assistance you can offer. There are also categories to choose from including projects, sessions, events, and business sessions.

Projects at Taproot Plus focus on longer-term volunteering for things like designing websites, developing budgets, and research projects. Sessions consist of one-hour consultations for things like legal advice, grant discovery, and operational focus decisions. Decide whether you prefer to work with a nonprofit or a struggling small business.

After identifying the right parent volunteer option for you, take the time to learn more about the organization or company. This will help you during the application process. It is a bit like applying for a job, but there will probably be less competition. Still, it is important to clearly demonstrate how you can help them with your skills and knowledge.

Expect a screening call within 48 hours of submitting your application. However, you may not get acceptance for up to 20 days. Feel free to apply for other sessions during the wait if you have more time and interest in volunteering.

Taproot Plus offers a specific focus when it comes to parent volunteer options. This is an ideal choice for adults with unique professional skills who want to give back to the community or the world. Each nonprofit associated with the site needs your help to make the most difference. Sign up, explore the opportunities, and get involved in something that resonates with your interests and passions.